We decided to drive to Denver this year for our Director Retreat. Who knew what a great and powerful decision that would be?

We stayed the night in Rock Springs, WY. In the movie theater we were sitting around talking afterwards. Obviously we were dressed pretty nice because HELLO we are successful awesome women. The girls working at the theater asked.. "Where are you all from?" Simple enough question, so I replied "How do you know we are not from here?" She continued to say "Because you all have your hair done and have purses." BAHAHAHA! Seriously? Does no one do their hair in Wyoming? It was quite the eye opener. :)

When we got to Jan's house we got to eat

yummy pizza, but she was not there. We were told that one of our dear friends and sister sales directors was in the hospital. But we resumed the evening as planned. We knew she would be okay. They ended the evening early (which was weird) and about a half an hour later we were informed that she had passed away.

Game Changer.... in that moment everything changed. It went from a fun filled evening to a life changing event. We gathered as sisters and prayed for the families involved. We prayed for her husband. We prayed for her close friends. What type of business does that? We prayed in a circle in our hotel room, together as sister sales directors. What a powerful experience to have so many women united in one cause.

We went from unbelief to what had just happened to dedication for our future. Dedication to finish what Kristi was not able to. Our Harris Family Area... is going to break so many belief barriers this year. I'm so excited for the change that we are going to be able to instill in other women. We came together for one cause and that changed every person's life at that retreat. About 60 of us. We all love each other and we are all going to DO WHAT IT TAKES to make our dreams happen.

What happened next will forever change my life. The next morning, we had a set aside time to talk about Kristi, her life, her memories. And then we got to work. Talking about how to become a better person ourselves to help others improve. We trained all day on how to make ourselves exceptional. What is the definition of exceptional? "Forming an exception or rare instance; unusual; extraordinary."
That's what we are becoming. That is what Mary Kay is teaching us. Even in times of loss and confusion, you can still help others and you can be the rock that brings your dreams to reality.
This is my lovely and beautiful Future National Sales Director, Jenn Kirkham. She is what our future area looks up to. Last year we did 1 Million in production... Small companies don't do that. We are building an empire. We made a pact that we are going to do whatever it takes to break belief barriers and help women change their lives in any way that they need.
<-- And this is the pact that we made. We first made it with Kit Kat bars as a toast and then this on our ride home. I am a part of something so much bigger than myself. I am a part of helping women around the world become who they want to be. I love my sister sales directors. They are the best friends I have ever had in my life. Who knew you could be friends with such amazing women? Women who uplift you and help you become a person who you were always hesitant to even dream about. Always hesitant because you never thought it possible to be that great.
This lady is our current National Sales Director. Full of love and willing to let us into her mansion of a home all weekend long so that we could learn from her. She is #1 in our division. What an honor we have had to be able to know her before she retires. To learn from her and to see her as a person, with feeling, with love, and with sorrow this weekend. But still pushing forward to enrich women's lives. She is STILL showing and helping others achieve the success that she has attained.