I used to be one of those people who thought "quit laying in bed you lazy weirdo. You'll be so much happier if you get up and do something. Serve someone, call up some friends, ect." I didn't think most mental illnesses were real. Joke's on me!! I thought that everything could be cured with just eating right. And I still do think that things can be helped and some prevented by doing so, but there is so much more to it. It's crazy how education and personal experience can affect how we view the world.
A few months ago I thought I was sick. I laid in bed for almost 4 days straight. I didn't know what was wrong with me but it just felt right like I needed to be resting. I was so tired and would sleep most of the day. It took all I had to get up and go to the store or to do anything with my business. About a month later I finally went to the doctor realizing my health was fine, but I was gaining weight like a mad woman and was still very tired. After I had done some blood testing and everything came back normal I was so confused. I went to a different doctor and he said nothing was wrong with me either - no hormone problems or anything. I was finally diagnosed with depression. Really? Me? Not a chance.. that is something I can cure myself! So, I started running everyday. Trying to loose the weight I had gained and to get myself in better spirits. The doctor upped my anxiety medication that I was currently on to try and control it better.
I ran 4 to 5 days a week for a month and absolutely nothing changed. I was still tired and I was still gaining weight. So, I decided that since I still hated running that I was going to quit because it wasn't working, but I joined a gym instead. I've been going back and forth with feeling fine and not feeling fine. It is seriously the weirdest thing. I'm honestly not quite sure how to get back to normal and still working on it. But now that I know what's going on, I am better able to realize that I need to move forward when I don't feel like it.
And I also wanted to apologize to anyone that I might have not been very sensitive to in the past who has gone through something like this.
"Also let us remember that through any illness or difficult challenge, there is still much in life to be hopeful about and grateful for. We are infinitely more than our limitations or our afflictions!" - Jeffrey R. Holland