I had just moved to Salt Lake City, Utah to live with one of my amazing friends, Jessica. As I was talking to her on the phone one day, she asked if I wanted to come be her roommate. So, I packed up my stuff and moved down there to live with her. Yes, it was just that simple. I quit my job and left.
I had been looking for work for a couple months and was finding NOTHING. Jess worked at a restaurant about 20 minutes away and told me I should apply there. I told myself I would never ever be a server, but I needed some cash. My savings were being spent on my living and I needed something soon.
I went to apply and they interviewed me on Friday. I was to start work on Tuesday. I waited around as Jess was finishing her shift. She was talking to one of her co-workers, John, about going to California and as we were about to leave she said, "Do you want to come to Cali with us this weekend? We are leaving at 7:00." My first instinct was to say no. But then I thought about it a little more and realized I had absolutely nothing to do until Tuesday when I would start working.

Needless to say, we went home, packed some bags, and met up with John at his house. Questions started to arise like, where will we stay? Where are we going exactly? John got online to talk to this couple who played W.O.W. with him. They were a married couple living in Oceanside. He'd never met them before, only communicated with them through the game. And Oceanside was our destination.
We started driving and Jess got in touch with her friends who lived in Vegas. That night we stayed with them and hung out in Vegas for a while.

They made us the BEST spaghetti for lunch the next day. All I remember was that the girl put TONS of extra stuff in the sauce and made it taste absolutely amazing! The cool thing about Jess' friend and her husband was that she spoke Spanish and would talk only to their child in Spanish during the day until the husband would come home and then English was the language. I thought that was super smart.
We made it to Oceanside and stayed with the coolest, nicest family ever. They took us to the beach and we hung out all day Monday and started driving back Monday night. We literally drove all through the night because I was supposed to start work and we barely made it in time for me to go home, get cleaned up and go to work. Totally worth it.
I miss doing things like this! Thank you so much Jess for the amazing experiences and teaching me to be so spontaneous!