Sunday, October 13, 2013

European Farm Borders

Something that really stuck out to me about flying over Europe was the way their land and farms were bordered. I know it sounds weird that it would be interesting, but I noticed 3 major differences in 3 different countries.

Flying over Ireland the farm borders seemed to be mostly distinguished by small rock fences/walls. It was exactly that same way on land as well, but super cool looking from above. Rock walls for their livestock and their vegetation. 

When flying over England it appears their borders were mostly made up of trees and bushes for their farms. Still same sizes and green like Ireland, but yet different from above. 

I don't have any pictures from the actual plane though. Just from the buses and ground transportation. Plane pictures never really turn out that great anyway, right?

The other interesting country that looked similar was the Netherlands. Theirs were canals. A lot of water and very close to sea level, but divided up by small water canals or rivers I believe.

 These pictures are of course not of farm land, but I didn't happen to get any in the Netherlands. But you can just trust me on that :)

In the United States, however, it seems quite a bit different. You know - actual fences and man made provision. You would think that having it natural would be more beautiful and make a lot more sense. But since we do not have as much to work with, I believe we have improvised quite well with our fences and dirt roads. In the West anyway. Not really sure how they do it out on the East coast.

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