Friday, August 8, 2014

Need Something Quick? Hungry? Grab a Snickers!

I believe that how we feel should be a direct measure of what we do. Now, I'm not talking about when we are angry and we have the urge to punch someone. It's not that kind of feeling. I'm talking about listening to our body and our emotions and being in tune with ourselves.

It was a few years ago when I let go of my childhood habits to eat frozen pizza, burritos, and chicken pot pies every day and try to eat better. Most likely around the year of 2005. I can't be sure, but I do know that something happened inside of me and I decided that I wanted to eat healthier.

At first, I can remember trying to cook more foods instead of just heating them up. I remember not eating Ramen Noodles and that I was sad about that. They were a staple in college, but when you look at the calories I was kind of shocked even though I didn't really know what it meant. Such a small portion for what I call expensive. I now say that a food is too expensive for me and when I say that I'm not talking cost, I'm talking calories. See, I never thought that counting calories really mattered. And still it's really about eating well and listening to your body. But in the case when your body has lost the ability to cue you when you've eaten to much, then counting calories can be extremely helpful in getting you back to the place where you can know how much is enough or too much.

I also ended up majoring in Health Science. I did an internship with a dietitian/bodybuilder. It was then when I realized I did not want tell people what to eat for the rest of my life or how to exercise. It was personal reasons, but nonetheless it wasn't for me. There was a lot more I could do with Health being my major so I kept it and finished, but that story is for another time. I will be forever grateful for that internship and what it taught me. I wrote diets for people, all kinds of people. People with Celiac disease, msg sensitivity, lactose intolerant, ect. What I came to understand and FEEL about this is where I come from today. What I am saying hasn't all been tested and proven. What I'm getting at is NOT FACT, however, it is what I believe and what I feel. It is in short, my opinion and based on some studies.

Our bodies are capable of so many things! If we sit down and think about it, I believe it is truly a miracle any time a baby is born and is alive. Life is completely remarkable! There are so many small processes that occur in our bodies that NEED to happen in order for it to function properly. Some things are so small  you would maybe find them to be "insignificant," but no! If one of those things doesn't happen, we would not function as easily as most of us do, or not at all.

With that being said, I believe our bodies are made to take in certain things and not others. Our bodies are amazing at adapting, but there are some things that we eat that make it harder for our bodies to process them or not process them at all. And in that, not function properly. Our eating in the past few years has, I believe, caused a lot of the diseases we have today.
 High Fructose Corn Syrup is one of the things that I don't believe should be put into our bodies EVER. I do understand that it is not something that is easily avoided. It is in everything. But I do believe that we can watch out for it so our intake is significantly less. There are correlations between HFCS and obesity which is what the graph above demonstrates, but the more we are educated on this, the more that number of consumption will go down. I think we are off to a good start in the last few years. I'm really not going to go into the scientific reasons why it's hard for our body to process this because you can read up on that yourself. My goal is to get people thinking about it and possibly make small changes in their lives.

What makes me even more irritated is the fact that sugar is already sweet, but we've gotten so addicted to sweeter things than just plain sugar. Artificial types of sweenters are sometimes 200x more sweeter than regular sugar. So, we feel we need to sweeten things up more because the taste isn't how we like it. It's not what we are used to which makes it so much harder for people to eat regular vegetables and fruits. They just don't taste as good. And it's true! It's not going to taste as good when we are magnifying the taste of everything else. They are also hard for our body to process and can have negative side effects.

Along with those two things, there are numerous other things that are added or made in our food before we get it from the store that can have unwanted side effects in our body. We need to learn to listen to our bodies. When we eat something, do we feel good after, or do we feel tired? Do we feel happy or blah? These are things we need to pay attention to more. When you get done eating a meal and you don't feel energized even just a little bit, then we should probably eat something different next time. (And I will be honest here. It is hard to feel things things when we don't really know what kind of feeling we are looking for, because it's subtle.)

Good old fruits and veggies. I know it's drilled in people's minds over and over again, but honestly they are here on this earth for us to eat. Not the artificial flavor of them, but the actual thing!

I'll tell you a little secret. I don't like vegetables most of the time. I never really have liked them. But I'm learning. It's a process. But I will tell you, the more I eat them, the more I like them. I'm used to LOTS of sweet things. My body craves them because they're addictive. Vegetables don't give you that super sweet taste. They are raw, but real. It's what we need to be eating to be healthy. To keep on going when we are in our 70's and still feel good. There is so much that goes into that, but eating right is the start of it all.

It all brings us back to the fact that we need to learn to understand what our bodies are wanting and how we feel afterwards. A lot of us have lost our natural triggers that tell us what we need, how much we need, and how we feel when it comes to food. We just want to be satisfied quickly. But that will just bring us more diseases, more obesity, and more depression. Who wants that in their lives? I know I don't. So, it's time for a change. It will become a lot easier when more people believe the same way and try to do something about it. I don't agree with everything about the food guide pyramid, again personal, but I do think it's a good place to start. And hey, this ^ picture looks pretty cool and appetizing. :)

Monday, June 9, 2014

Why the heck would anyone wear makeup?

God made you beautiful. Why not just accept it and why do we try to change the way our face looks? As girls, we are constantly trying to improve our image to be better and be more beautiful, but honestly, weren't we made beautiful? There are two kinds of girls out there in general (I know there are more but we will just talk about the two at the moment). One type of girl will wear a full face of make up every day and the other type of girl couldn't care less.
This second type of girl will wear mascara usually, but really that's about it. Just the basics of the basics and some times not even that. She doesn't care about getting ready for the day and thinks it's a complete waste of time or she just doesn't have the time. Thoughts will come into her mind like, "I just don't get why someone would put so much makeup on their face. It's deceiving to others when she looks completely different with it off." Truth: this was me. 
There are other variations of this girl, but you understand what I'm talking about. All those pictures that go around the internet that show how much different a girl would look all made up. I've seen them. If this was 3 or 4 years ago my thoughts would say, "that's disgusting." But, I see things in a completely different light now. When I see those transformations on the internet now I think, "WOW!" 
What changed my perception? And that is all it is, perception. Let me take you back to a time when I didn't care. First off, I didn't want people to be shocked if they saw me without makeup. I wanted to be REAL. I wanted to look natural; as I was into more "natural" type things. But another thing that I didn't tell people is that I didn't know how to make it look good. Granted, I hated foundation because of the way it felt on my face. But as far as eye shadow went, I didn't know how to make it look the way other people's did. Cheek color was laughable and I thought only old ladies wore it. Lip stick was also something of the past and I didn't want to be that "girly."
I was proud that I could get showered, dressed, hair done, makeup and everything in about 20 minutes. I wasn't like those "other" girls and I didn't need to a take a lot of time in the bathroom. But what I didn't realize is that I was taking pride in what I thought wasn't being prideful. What a concept right? It took me a long time to figure this out. 
It takes a lot of courage to go out and look nice. Do you realize how many people will ask me in a store why I am dressed up for that day? People will compliment me like crazy and all I did was put my makeup on and not wear my sweats to the grocery store. It is amazing to realize that not taking care of ourselves has become the norm and it is abnormal to look nice. I know this is a controversial issue, but what have we become? 
Have you ever heard of the "Great Generation?" They are those people born in the 20's or 30's and grew up during the Great Depression. They are the ones who still wear lipstick every day and dress nice when they are going to go out in public. They are the reason I didn't want to wear lipstick because I felt like it was an old lady thing. But this is what I know about them. They think about honor, dignity, and respect. The Great Generation will dress up nice to go anywhere because they believe it is how they show respect to themselves. Now, think about that for a moment. Showing respect to ourselves. How would the world look if we all did this instead of walking around in our PJ's in stores and school and where ever else we go? Did you know that people feel better when they get ready? Did you know that it boosts their confidence level to wear makeup and nice clothes? If you disagree with me just try it! Why wouldn't we want to feel good about ourselves?
I know for a fact that as soon as I started looking nice I became a nicer person. As soon as I learned how to do my makeup I really loved it because I thought higher of myself. It's not always about being vain. It's about respecting ourselves and our gender. Women are POWERFUL! We can do so many things and do it well. Why not feel powerful all the time? I do now. My perception of myself has been altered greatly since I started putting on my makeup every day and dressing nicer. I am a completely different person than I was 2 years ago. So why in the heck would I take a little bit longer in the bathroom to get ready? So I can feel good about myself. And oddly enough people are sometimes intimidated by me; but how awesome is it to be intimidated by someone and that person be kind to you? It raises their esteem higher. I do it now because I honestly feel that I am a woman to enrich other people's lives. And I should look good and feel good about myself so that I can help others do the same. 
Now, I'm not a great writer or anything, but I do hope that I'm being understood. It is the norm to not care, but it is so much better to care about yourself and your image. Image is an amazing thing. If you want to be someone who influences others in any way, it helps so much to have the image to go with it.

"Even a barn looks better when it's painted" - David O. McKay

Powerful women - thanks Lia Carta for letting me steal this picture without you knowing ;)

Monday, June 2, 2014

Dreams and Logistics

Have you ever seen the movie "Safe Haven?" And if you have, did you ever think that would be such a fun lifestyle? Such a cute fantasy with small towns, beaches, bike riding, and canoeing. I saw it and seriously thought.. that's the life right there!
It came on TV at my parents house the other day when we were over doing laundry. Yeah... we don't have a washer and dryer at the moment. :) My thoughts reverted back to what they had been the first time I watched it. But as I was watching the movie I was thinking about my own life and what I really like about it. Honestly, sometimes other people's lives appear to be so amazing and simple. But they didn't talk about any financial troubles anyone was having or the economy going down. They did show some family troubles, but it all works out in the end right?
I started thinking about my life. I have a job that I LOVE! I am earning my 2nd FREE car. I have a great husband who would do pretty much anything for me. We are moving to a place I've never been (I love doing that by the way), and he's going to be a doctor. We have two beautiful dogs that I love to go on walks with. My life is GREAT!!
I will often times let myself ponder on what could be if I was in a different situation, but you know what I realized? I will never be content having a simple slow lovely life. I was meant to do more in this world. I was meant to make a difference. And as much as a simple, beautiful life appeals to me - I know I would get bored. I would always search for more because that's who I am.
I do believe I may always envy people who can sit on their porch all day with an "ice cold cherry coke," playing guitar, saying hi to their neighbors and that is their biggest worry in life... who to talk to today. :) But I know it could never be mine. I love the thought of it, but my love for making a huge impact in this world and inspiring women to do the same is way bigger than that.
Don't get me wrong though! I enjoy my days when I'm not doing anything. I love being outdoors and being in the mountains. I can do all those things because I create my life exactly the way I want it.. and I get paid good money to do it.
Work Hard Play Hard!!!!

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Randoms from Arizona

It's been a while since I've lived in Arizona. I used to really think it was the only place I belonged. I had such a hard time leaving it. Arizona is the only place I've lived where I really felt comfortable and could be myself. I really thought I'd always go back, but at this point in time I highly doubt I will. It is time to move on and I know that even if I do go back things will be different. I won't have the same friends that I used to hang out with every day, I won't have the same situations. It would be completely different and I don't really want that to change. I want to know AZ as the place that I know it and I want it to stay the way that I loved it.

I moved there in the summer of 2007. What a HOT summer it was! But I LOVED IT! I quickly made friends and was a member on a young adults activity counsel for my church. Not everything I experienced while I was there was perfect, but when I look back on it, I really had everything. I've lived a few other places, but nothing compares. Might be a little cheesy, but I just thought of Sinead O'Conner's song, "Nothing Compares to You." haha what a statement... Here's a link to the video if you don't know what I'm talking about Nothing Compares To You

I'm truly grateful for EVERY person I met while I was there, good or bad. They created irreplaceable memories that I wouldn't trade for the world.

This is totally dedicated to Arizona and the friends I made while I was there. Nothing compares...

First day pretty much in AZ... we build a rocket onto a toy car :)

Charles kind of creeped me out before I knew him.. then I got to know him and it was fine lol

We put my friends hair on top of his head.. looks super real LOVE IT

Went shooting with people I didn't even know... like really I kind of knew one person.

Institute Academy Awards Night. Classic.. The first one we had ever and it's annual now I believe.. We started it :)

 Stuffy old men :) Just kidding - the guy on the left pretty much changed my life.

I don't even remember who this girl is, but a group of us went down to Mexico to help fix up an orphanage. I thought I had more pictures, but most of them are blurry for some reason.

Camel Back Mountain - First time I actually went to the top with the institute counsel.

Nothing better than fire... all the time :)

Every time I look at this picture I LAUGH! The dog was super hyperactive and it kept being super crazy. Perfect moment for an awkward picture

Snowflake, AZ

Can't you tell we love the fire? We made Sobe bombs.. a lot of them. Too bad they made their bottles plastic - can't do it anymore.

Yeah I totally took that picture

Cinco De Mustache :) All the guys grew mustache's for it and we celebrated

Camping somewhere - I don't even remember where this is, I just know it's a cabin

We played games in the cabin... I do believe we did some kind of service activity this weekend as well, but I don't remember :)

We lived at what was named the "Sugar Shack." We threw parties and it was pretty intense. This was a black and white party before everyone showed up of course. The place was completely packed at some point during the night.. parties in AZ get crazy.

Have no idea where this is, but they had so many dogs!!! I was totally in heaven

Havasupai - Tiff came down from Utah to come. This place is awesome.. but I don't like jumping off things that could lead me to die. So, I just did the hiking and exploring part

See - this is definitely not my idea of fun, but I do like taking the picture of people plummeting to their death.
However, no one died, so that's good. It's super cool! I love going.

We made bombs and blew up fruit and bottles and things- I won't tell you what kind though.... Don't want anyone to get into trouble.

Halloween in AZ lasts for literally a month. You go to so many parties like every weekend.. the entire month almost. Super cool. This was at our party before we it started.

Can't remember how that happened, but it hurt like crazy

We got kicked out of our "Sugar Shack" house because our landlord didn't pay the bills. So, we snuck back in because our keys still worked..

Playing Mexican Train... That night was actually super fun :)

Finger painting....

Renaissance Festival

 Halloween Again!!!!


Love that place.......