This second type of girl will wear mascara usually, but really that's about it. Just the basics of the basics and some times not even that. She doesn't care about getting ready for the day and thinks it's a complete waste of time or she just doesn't have the time. Thoughts will come into her mind like, "I just don't get why someone would put so much makeup on their face. It's deceiving to others when she looks completely different with it off." Truth: this was me.

What changed my perception? And that is all it is, perception. Let me take you back to a time when I didn't care. First off, I didn't want people to be shocked if they saw me without makeup. I wanted to be REAL. I wanted to look natural; as I was into more "natural" type things. But another thing that I didn't tell people is that I didn't know how to make it look good. Granted, I hated foundation because of the way it felt on my face. But as far as eye shadow went, I didn't know how to make it look the way other people's did. Cheek color was laughable and I thought only old ladies wore it. Lip stick was also something of the past and I didn't want to be that "girly."
I was proud that I could get showered, dressed, hair done, makeup and everything in about 20 minutes. I wasn't like those "other" girls and I didn't need to a take a lot of time in the bathroom. But what I didn't realize is that I was taking pride in what I thought wasn't being prideful. What a concept right? It took me a long time to figure this out.
It takes a lot of courage to go out and look nice. Do you realize how many people will ask me in a store why I am dressed up for that day? People will compliment me like crazy and all I did was put my makeup on and not wear my sweats to the grocery store. It is amazing to realize that not taking care of ourselves has become the norm and it is abnormal to look nice. I know this is a controversial issue, but what have we become?

I know for a fact that as soon as I started looking nice I became a nicer person. As soon as I learned how to do my makeup I really loved it because I thought higher of myself. It's not always about being vain. It's about respecting ourselves and our gender. Women are POWERFUL! We can do so many things and do it well. Why not feel powerful all the time? I do now. My perception of myself has been altered greatly since I started putting on my makeup every day and dressing nicer. I am a completely different person than I was 2 years ago. So why in the heck would I take a little bit longer in the bathroom to get ready? So I can feel good about myself. And oddly enough people are sometimes intimidated by me; but how awesome is it to be intimidated by someone and that person be kind to you? It raises their esteem higher. I do it now because I honestly feel that I am a woman to enrich other people's lives. And I should look good and feel good about myself so that I can help others do the same.
Now, I'm not a great writer or anything, but I do hope that I'm being understood. It is the norm to not care, but it is so much better to care about yourself and your image. Image is an amazing thing. If you want to be someone who influences others in any way, it helps so much to have the image to go with it.
"Even a barn looks better when it's painted" - David O. McKay
Powerful women - thanks Lia Carta for letting me steal this picture without you knowing ;)