Confidence and humility go hand in hand and lead you to success. Confidence without humility is arrogance and humility without confidence is timidity which is also selfishness - you're so worried about what people are thinking that you're only focused on yourself.
Being a people person is more than just having people like you. It's about liking people and understanding who they are. It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice.
True success is built when God comes first, family comes second, and career comes third. And a strong family is built when the people around you can see you set goals, achieve them and miss them, and witness your work ethic. Children learn more from watching than telling.
Believing in people comes from believing in yourself. When you believe in others they can achieve anything. But accepting what they choose to do or not do is a form of maturity and love.

Friendship can be powerful. It can be so strong that you'll put forth any effort to stay close to the people who lift you up and help you be who you want to be. So powerful that it can lead you to your deepest dreams and desires without you knowing it's happening. True friendship is not sitting around talking about random stuff, but constantly encouraging others and lifting them up so they can be their best selves.

So many more things can be said, but if you didn't know me before Mary Kay, I will tell you I was a lot more selfish than I am now (is this even possible???), I was super negative about everything, I judged people a lot, and I did not care very much about other people's feelings. This business is so much more than skin care and makeup. Although those things are fun, we truly and honestly focus on improving who a person is on the inside. When people talk to me about Mary Kay and all they do is talk about the products, I feel so weird about it because the products are not what I think about at all. I think about the women that want to change their lives and their situation. If you don't believe me, that's fine, but that's how it is.

I love sharing the products with people because they literally are the best out there, but more so I love talking about enhancing myself through keeping a positive attitude, loving my life, and doing things that I love to do. This business allows me to do so much not just because of the money and the choices it provides, but because I am an independent women who has goals, success, quality friendships and joy all around me. I seriously could not ask for more, except I do. I want more from this business because I know I can help others achieve what I have achieved and feel how I feel.
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